- My old friend Brian is getting divorced, too. They have 3 kids, and they just bought a new house last year...
ああ… 10%の給料カット以外はまあまあだ。オレんとこさ、去年家買っちゃっただろ? たとえ10%でもつらいんだよな。: Well... Not bad except for 10% pay cut. You know, I bought a house last year. Even 10% is putting a huge strain on me.
僕はもう子どもはいらない。もう3人もいるんだから。: I don't want any more kids. I already have 3.
「ジュディ、なんでコリーに冷たいの?いいやつじゃん!」「いいやつだよ、でももう婚約者いるんだもん」: "Judy, how come you are turning sour to Corey? He's such a good guy!" "He is a good guy, but he already has a fiance."
マットだよ。前やつと付き合ってたんだけどさ、今は違う人と付き合ってるんだよね。私が付き合ってた時も、やつなんか変でさあ。それで別れたんだよね。それ以来、ずっと詩をよこしてるってわけ。: It's Mat. I used to date with him, but now I'm dating with someone else. He was kind of weird when I was dating, and that was why I broke up with him. Since then, he's been giving me a poem.
違うんだよ。僕が連れてきたんじゃないんだ。やつらが僕を見つけてついて来たんだよ!: No, I didn't bring them here. They spotted me and followed me!
おっと。オレそんなこと知らなかったよ。やつを傷つけるつもりはなかったんだよ。: Oops. I didn't know that. I didn't mean to hurt him.
サム… こんなこというの、本当に心苦しいんだけどさ。世の中、悪いやつがいっぱいいるんだよ。高価な犬を盗むやつらだっているんだよ。マジ、警察電話した方がいいよ。: Sam... I really hate to tell you this, but there are a bunch of bad people out there. Some people steal expensive dogs. I seriously think you should call the police.
ヒロミちゃんて鈍感だよ。『毎朝、ボクにみそ汁作ってくれない?』ってプロポーズのつもりだったのに。それからホントに毎朝、みそ汁作って来るんだぜ、ポットに入れて…。: Hiromi is so stupid. I proposed to her by asking, "Would you make me miso soup every morning?" But she actually has fixed miso soup and brought it in a thermos bottle every morning since then.
エドがやったんだよ… やつ、僕のこといじめるんだ。: Ed did it. He's been bullying me.
オレのせいじゃないんだよ!オレは早く帰るつもりだったけど、ちょっと緊急事態が発生して会社に遅くまで残らなくちゃいけなかったんだよ。: It was not my fault! I was supposed to come home early, but an emergency came up and I had to stay until late.
何作るんだよ!おまえオレには嘘つけないぜ。オレはおまえのルームメイトだったんだからな。忘れたか?おまえがピザとフライドポテトを作れるのは知ってる、それだけじゃないか!: What do you cook?! You can't lie to me. I used to be your roommate, remember? I know you can make pizza and French fries, but that's all!
いや、もう付き合ってないんだ。先月別れたんだよ。でもオレの行くとこ行くとこ、あいつがいるんだよ!: No, not anymore. We broke up last month. But everywhere I go, there she is!
違うんだよ!僕じゃないよ!説明すると、クリスが僕の部屋でタバコ吸ったんだよ!吸ったのは僕じゃないし、やつにも吸うなって言ったんだよ!: No! It was not me! What happened was, Chris smoked in my room! It was not me, and I told him not to!
ごめんな。でももう決めちゃったんだよ。やつがオレに会いたいって言うし。もう1年以上も会ってないんだぜ。: Sorry. But I already decided. He wants to see me. I haven't seen him for more than a year.
どうしていつも遅れるやつがいるんだ。: Why are some people always late?