そういう重要なことはできるだけ早く知らせてください: Notify us of such an important thing as soon as possible. できるだけ早く: 1. as early as possible 2. as quickly as possible 3. as rapidly as possible 4. as soon as allowed 5. as soon as maybe 6. as soon as one can 7. as soon as possible〔略して ASAP(「エイエスエイピー」または「エイセァップ」)と言うこできるだけ早く車にオイルを足しなさい: Lubricate your car as soon as possible. できるだけ早くお返事ください: Please answer to me ASAP [as soon as possible]. できるだけ早くこちらへ来てください。: Get over here as soon as you can. その後できるだけ早く: as soon thereafter as possible できるだけ早く出荷する: ship at the first available opportunity できるだけ早く酔う: get drunk in the shortest possible time できるだけ早く~から逃れる: get away from ~ as fast as one can できるだけ早く~から離れる: get away from ~ as fast as one can できるだけ早く~を買う: buy ~ at earliest opportunity 私たちにできるだけ早く知らせてください: Please let us know as soon as possible. タイミングが悪い: the timing is off タイミングが良い: 1. get the timing right 2. the timing is right タイミングが~の: 【形】 timed