- I ask that you keep David's family in your thoughts and prayers at this time of great need.
- 同封した10枚のチラシを、皆さまのご家族やご友人に配布いただけますようお願い致します。: Please find enclosed ten fliers which we kindly ask that you distribute to your family and friends.
- ここbmpで勤務初日より2,3日の間は特に、歓迎の意を表していただきますよう皆さまのご配慮をお願い致します。: I trust that you will all make him feel very welcome, particularly in his first few days here at BMP.
- 皆さまもデービッドの友人および同僚として、きっと悲しみがこみあげてくるでしょうが、この大切な儀式にぜひご参列いただきますようお願い申し上げます。: As friends and colleagues of David, I urge you to consider attending what will no doubt be a sad but momentous occasion.
- ~をお知らせいただきますようどうかよろしくお願い致します。: I hope you will be so kind as to let me know
- つきましては今年の組織委員会にできるだけ多くの保護者の皆さまにご参加いただけますようお願い致します。: We are therefore appealing to as many parents as possible to consider being part of this years organizing committee.
- パーティーの計画を手伝っていただけるようお願い致します。: We'd appreciate your assistance in planning the party.
- そのため、当クリニックにご連絡いただき、医師の予約をとって子宮癌検査の結果についてお話し合いくださいますようお願い致します。: We therefore ask that you contact the clinic and arrange an appointment with one of our doctors to discuss the results of your pap smear.
- つきましては同封の書式にて、計画の中でご協力いただけそうな分野をお選びいただきますようお願い致します。: We have therefore enclosed a form on which we encourage you select an area of organization that you feel you can make a contribution to.
- そこで、サービスの状態を改善すべく迅速な処置を取っていただけるようお願い致します。: I must ask therefore, that you take immediate action to improve the quality of your service.
- ぜひ彼らの努力を支えていただきたくお願い致します: Anything you could do in support of their efforts would be highly appreciated.
- ご参加いただきますようお願い申し上げます: I beg you to join us.
- 特に、会計学で最も優れた成績を納めた生徒を表彰する際に、賞品として贈呈される品物や寄付をご提供いただきますようお願い致します。: Specifically we request goods or a donation to be used as a prize to be presented at our awards ceremony to acknowledge our highest performing accounting student.
- 皆さまに安全で楽しい旅をしていただくため、基本的な注意事項をお守りくださいますようお願い致します。最初に機内の安全注意事項をよくお読みください: To ensure a safe and pleasant journey for you and your fellow passengers, we ask for your cooperation in carefully observing some basic regulations and guidelines. As a first step, please look caref
- そこで、電話でご連絡いただくか、もしくはメールで送っていただきますようお願い申し上げます。: I would therefore appreciate if I could be contacted by telephone or else have the results forwarded to my email address.
- 《末文》本件を何とぞご検討いただきますようお願い申し上げます。: We would appreciate your sincere consideration of our request.