高齢者の健康維持: health maintenance in the elderly
肝臓の健康維持に良い: have a beneficial effect on the liver
健康維持: 1. fitness 2. health maintenance 3. maintenance of good health 4. pursuit of health
健康維持の: 【形】 health-maintenance
肌の健康維持に欠かせない: play a pivotal role in maintaining a healthy skin
肝臓の健康維持によく効く: have a beneficial effect on the liver
肝臓の健康維持に効果がある: have a beneficial effect on the liver
肝臓の健康維持に有効である: have a beneficial effect on the liver
健康維持医療: health-maintenance medicine
健康維持機構: 健康維持機構 Health Maintenance Organization[医生]
健康維持機関: health-maintenance organization〔 【略】 HMO〕
ペットの維持費: upkeep of pets
カルシウムは骨の健康維持に重要な成分だ: Calcium plays an important role in maintaining the health of bones.
肌の健康維持に極めて重要な役割を果たす: play a pivotal role in maintaining a healthy skin
ヒトの健康: human health