I'm willing to spend any amount of money to keep my pet well.
金に糸目をつけない 1: spend lavishly 金に糸目をつけない 2 spare no expense (to)〔~するためなら〕 金に糸目をつけずに: 1. as if price were no object 2. regardless of expense 3. regardless of price 金に糸目はつけない: No price is too steep. 金に糸目をつけないというのであれば[費用がいくらかかってもいいのなら]、治す方法もあるかもしれませんが。: If you don't care how much it will be, there may be a way to cure his disease. 心臓の健康を保つ: stay heart-healthy 医者は、子どもの健康を保つための簡単なヒントを父母に与えた。: The doctor offered parents simple hints to keep their child healthy. お金のことはどうでもいい。/金に糸目は付けない。: Money is not an issue. 健康を保つために食べるとよい物: food that it would be wise to eat to keep good health 消化管の健康を保つ: maintain gut health ペットの健康維持: pet fitness 健康を保つために適切なバランスを取る: strike a good balance to stay healthy 健康を保つ 1: 1. keep [stay] in shape [fit] 2. keep in good physical condition 3. keep one's health 4. keep oneself fit 5. keep oneself fresh 6. maintain one's health 健康を保つ 2 【動】 keep fit 健康を保つ 3 keep someone健康を保つための楽しい方法として医師からよく勧められる: be often recommended by doctors as a fun way of keeping fit 精神的健康を保つ: mentally stay fit 健康な状態を保つために役立つ: help someone maintain a healthy condition〔人が〕