- Max had come close to dying after the traffic accident.
危うく死にかける: have an encounter with death
危うく死にかけること: close brush with death
交通事故です!: An accident has happened!《旅/助けを求める》
交通事故で死ぬ: 1. be killed in a traffic accident 2. die in a traffic accident 3. get killed in a car crash 4. meet one's end in the traffic accident
当て逃げの交通事故で骨折して入院する: be hospitalized with broken bones from a hit-and-run traffic accident
その交通事故の後、彼を全く見てない: I haven't seen hide nor hair of him since the car accident.
交通事故でけがをする: be injured in a traffic accident
交通事故で命を落とす: be killed in a traffic accident
交通事故で最期を遂げる: meet one's end in the traffic accident
交通事故で被ったけが: injury sustained in an automobile accident
交通事故で被った障害: injury sustained in an automobile accident
交通事故で負ったけが: injury sustained in an automobile accident
交通事故で負った重傷: serious injuries incurred in a traffic accident
交通事故で負った障害: injury sustained in an automobile accident
交通事故で過失がある: be at fault in a traffic accident