危うく死にかける: have an encounter with death マックスはその交通事故で、危うく死にかけた: Max had come close to dying after the traffic accident. 死にかける: 1. almost die 2. brush with death 危うく死を免れる: 1. come within an ace of death 2. come within an inch of death 3. narrowly avoid [escape] death [being killed] 尻目にかけること: 1. lofty contempt 2. lofty disdain 罠にかけること: entrapment 何度か死にかける: be near death a couple of times 学歴を鼻にかけること: academic snobbery 軍法会議にかけること: court-martial 必死に電話をかけ続けること: frantic phoning 死にかけの: nearly dead 病気への抵抗力が危うくなること: compromised ability to resist illness のせいで(人)は危うく死ぬところだ: almost cost someone's life〔主語〕 成績の良さを鼻にかけること: grade snobbery 携帯電話から外にかけること: outgoing call made from mobile