urge passengers to turn off their cell-phones [cellular phones, mobile-phones] in crowded commuter trains
携帯電話の電源を切る: 1. switch off a cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)] 2. turn off a cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)] 3. turn one's cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)] off 私は電車に乗ったときは携帯電話の電源を切るようにしている: I make it a rule to switch off my cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)] when I'm on the train. ナオコは移動中、携帯電話の電源を切る: Naoko turns off her cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)] when she is in transit. 私は携帯電話の電源を切るのを忘れた。: I forgot to turn off my cellular phone. 車内では携帯電話の電源をお切りください。: Please switch off all phones while on the train. 携帯電話の電源を切っておく: sit on the phone 電車の中では携帯電話の電源をお切りください。: Please switch off your mobile [portable phone] on the train. ガソリンポンプの近くでは必ず携帯電話の電源を切ってください。: PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELLULAR PHONES NEAR GAS PUMPS〔ガソリンスタンド;《掲》〕 電話の電源を切っておく: sit on the phone 私は携帯電話の電源をいつも切っている。: I always keep my cell-phone [mobile-phone] turned off. 電車の中で携帯電話の使用を控える: refrain from using one's mobile [portable phone] on the train 運転中に片手で携帯電話をかけることを禁じる: ban talking on a handheld cellular telephone while driving 電源を切る: 電源を切る でんげんをきる to turn off power 非常に込み合った歩道橋: extremely-crowded overpass カメラの電源を切る: turn off the camera