- issues threatening human life and safety
人々の生命と安全を脅かす: threaten the lives and safety of citizens
人々の生命および財産を脅かす: threaten people's lives and properties
安全を脅かす: 1. menace someone's safety 2. put someone in jeopardy 3. threaten someone's safety〔人の〕
人々の生活を脅かす: 1. endanger people's daily life 2. threaten the livelihoods of people
人々の生命を直接脅かす: directly threaten the lives of people
国の安全を脅かす: threaten the country's security
安全を脅かす事態: dangerous security risk
国中の人々の生活や安全を守る: protect the lives and security of the people across the country
公共の安全を脅かす: dangerous to the public
国家の安全を脅かす: threaten national security
国際社会の安全を脅かす: threaten the security of the international community
安全を脅かすものになる: become a threat to the safety of〔~の〕
安全を脅かす恐れのある: be perceived as a threat to security
平和と安全を脅かす: menace the peace and security of〔~の〕
日本の安全を脅かす: threaten Japan's safety