1. endanger people's daily life 2. threaten the livelihoods of people
個人の生活を脅かす: endanger the lives of individuals 年金生活者の生活を脅かす: threaten the livelihood of pensioners 人々の生命および財産を脅かす: threaten people's lives and properties 人々の生命と安全を脅かす: threaten the lives and safety of citizens 人々の生命や安全を脅かす問題: issues threatening human life and safety 安全な社会生活を脅かす: threaten safe living in society 人々の生命を直接脅かす: directly threaten the lives of people 人々の生活を改善する: improve people's lives 人々の生活を良くする: improve people's lives 普通の人々の生活を描く: depict the lives of ordinary people 普通の人々の生活を語る: talk about the lives of ordinary people 国民の快適な生活を脅かす: threaten the public's welfare 生活様式を脅かす: threaten someone's mode of living〔人の〕 人々の生活をさまざまな形で苦しめる: cause various hardships in the lives of the people 人々の生活をめちゃくちゃにする: cut a swath through people's lives