cause various hardships in the lives of the people
人々の暮らしをさまざまな形で苦しめる: cause various hardships in the lives of the people さまざまな形で日常生活を題材にした画像: images drawn from daily life in one form or another 人々の関心がさまざまな形で伝わってきた。: People's interest was reflected in many ways. さまざまな形で: 1. in a number of ways 2. in a variety of ways 3. in various forms 4. in various shapes その技術をさまざまな形で実用化する: apply the technology to all manner of forms さまざまな形で存在する: exist in a variety of forms さまざまな形で現れる: present in a lot of different ways〔症状などが〕 さまざまな形で進行する: proceed in various ways とても重要な形で人々の生活を向上させる: improve people's lives in very important ways さまざまな形の: 1. of varied shapes 2. of various shapes さまざまな形の~ diversified forms of さまざまな形の~: diversified forms of さまざまな形の 1. of varied shapes 2. of various shapes さまざまな形式の: various modes of さまざまな形式の~ diversified forms of さまざまな形式の~: diversified forms of さまざまな形式の various modes of さまざまな形で互いに影響し合う: interact in diverse ways さまざまな形で支援を行う: provide various forms of assistance