take a wage cut to ease the company financial crisis
危機を和らげる: defuse a crisis 痛みを和らげるために: for reduction of pain 痛みを和らげるために用いられる薬: drug used against pain 痛みと苦痛を和らげるために使用される: be used to relieve pain and distress 妻の気持ちを和らげるために花を贈る: send flowers to mollify one's wife 賃金カット受け入れにしぶしぶ同意する: reluctantly agree to accept a cut in pay アジアの金融危機を和らげる: ease Asia's financial crisis 酸逆流を和らげるためにいくつかの処置を取る: take several measures to relieve acid reflux 賃金カット: 1. cut in employees' salaries 2. cut in wages 3. loss of entitlement of full payment of wages 4. pay cutback 5. pay cut〔 【複】 pays cuts〕 6. pay reduction 7. payroll trimming 8. reduction in wages 9. 批判を和らげるための妥協: compromise aimed at appeasing the criticism 国の経済危機を緩和する: ease the country's economic crisis 国民の疑念を和らげるために何の手だても講じない: do nothing to quell public suspicions 大きな失望を和らげるためにあらゆる努力を払う: make every effort [endeavor] to soften someone's grave disappointment〔人の〕 日中の疲れを和らげるために仮眠を取りたいと思う: feel one needs a nap to ease daytime fatigue 日中の疲れを和らげるために昼寝をしたいと思う: feel one needs a nap to ease daytime fatigue