- It seems like my son is drinking when I'm not around.
うちの息子、今日学校に行かなかったみたいなの… あの子、8時ごろ家を出て3時ごろ帰ってきてね。それはいつもどおりなのよ。でも先生がうちに電話してきたの。: It seems like my son didn't go to school today. He left home around 8, and came back around 3, which is pretty normal but his teacher called me.
最近うちの息子には手を焼いてるのよね。私が何かしろと言うと、必ず言い返してくるのよ。: I've been having a hard time with my son. Whenever I tell him to do something, he talks back to me.
こんにちは、アレキサンダー先生。うちの猫にノミがいるみたいなんです。ノミの薬をいただけますか?: Hi, Dr. Alexander. Seems like my cats are having fleas. Can I get some flea medicine?
~がいないときは: in the absence of
ダメ、あの子それ好きじゃないの。何だかあの子、違いが分かるみたいなの。そのおむつ使うと、いつもより泣くのよね。: No, she doesn't like those. Somehow, she can tell the difference. Whenever I use those, she cries more than usual.
「あの子が本当に、本当に憎らしい時があるの!」「2歳って本当大変なのよね。うちの息子が2歳のときは、もう完全にお手上げだったわね」: "Sometimes I really, really hate him!" "He's going through the terrible twos. My son was simply out of control when he was 2."〔主婦同士の会話〕
息子みたいなもの: quasi-son
進んでるみたいね。よしよし!: You are making progress. Good!〔親→子(宿題)〕
私がいないとき彼女はとても役に立ちます: She's great help when I'm not there.
うーん… 宿題出しすぎるし、男の子より女の子の方が好きみたいなのよね。: Well... She gives her students too much homework, and she seems to like girls more than boys.
お釣りが間違ってるみたいなんですが。: 1. I think you gave me the wrong change. 2. I'm afraid you gave me the wrong change. 3. Is this the right change?《旅/買い物/お釣り》
計算が間違ってるみたいなんですが。: 1. I think there is a mistake in this [the] bill. 2. I think these figures don't add up. 3. I think this is added up wrong. 4. Is this the right amount?《旅/買い物/計算ミス》
仲間がいないときに: in the absence of someone's fellow
うちの息子、言うこと聞かない時があるのよ。: My son doen't always listen to me.
会社なんて私なしでもやっていけるけど、子どもたちは私がいないと駄目なのよ。: The company can live without me, but my kids can't live without me.〔親が子どもについて話す〕