- It serves Lily right if her boyfriend tells her a lie.
自業自得だ 1: 1. It couldn't happen to a nicer guy. 2. Reap it. 3. You were asking for it. 4. be natural result of one's own deeds 5. be one's own fault 6. deserve to lose 7. get what's [what is] coming to 8. hav
それは自業自得だ。/それは当然の報いだ。/ざまあ見ろ: It serves you right.
あなたにうそをつかれて、私の心は粉々だ: I was devastated by your lies.
彼の破産は自業自得だと、影でうわさされていた。: There was an implicit judgment that his bankruptcy was the fault of himself.
うそをつかれる 1: be taken completely unawares うそをつかれる 2 be lied to by〔人に〕
自業自得: 自業自得 じごうじとく paying for one's mistakes getting one's just deserts suffering the consequences (of one's own actions) reap what you sow
自業自得。 1: One gets what one deserves. 自業自得。 2 1. As a man sows, so shall he reap. 2. You've made your bed and you must lie on it.《諺》 自業自得 1. a taste of one's own medicine 2. divine justice 3. get used up 4
自業自得の: 【形】 proportionate
悪い行いは、回り回って自分に戻ってくる。/自業自得。: The deed comes back upon the doer.
私にうそをつかないで。: Don't lie to me.
彼女には当然の報いだ!/自業自得だ: She deserved it.
自分でまいた種だろう。/自業自得だ。: You reap what you sow.
自業自得だ。/いいかげんにしろ。: You're asking for it.
彼らは屈辱を受けた人々は自業自得だと言っています。: They say those shamed have it coming.
~にうそをつく: 【他動】 hose〈俗〉