in kazakhstan , as known from the example in the aral sea , inappropriate agricultural policies caused underground water and wake water to be pumped excessively , expanding dry areas . カザフスタンでは、アラル海の例を見ると分かるように、農業政策の失敗により地下水や湖水をくみ上げすぎるなどして、土地の乾燥化が進んだ。
among actual senju kannon statues in japan , many show the style of bringing two hands together in front of the stomach (on the knee in the case of seated statues ) and putting hohatsu on it . 日本における千手観音の実際の造像例を見ると、腹前(坐像の場合は膝上)で2本の手を組み、その上に宝鉢を乗せる形式のものが多い。
with certain exceptions , the examination of early modern period examples shows that seppuku was limited to serving as a means of committing suicide in order to avoid being beheaded after being captured by one ' s enemy . 近世以前の事例を見ると、一部の例外を除いて、切腹は敵に捕縛され、斬首されることを避けるための自決に限られている。
however , many statues produced in ancient japan , such as the statue in the main hall of the yakushi-ji temple in nara and the statue in the main hall of the toshodai-ji temple in nara , don ' t hold a medicine vase . ただし、日本での造像例を見ると、奈良・薬師寺金堂像、奈良・唐招提寺金堂像のように、古代の像では薬壷を持たないものも多い。
according to the example of the estate of erin-ji temple , the takeda family ' s ancestral temple , in addition to the smallest unit of the lowest position of vassals devoted themselves to military arts , there were a band of farmers exempt from a part of their land taxes . 武田家菩提寺、恵林寺領の例を見ると家臣団の末端に位置して武芸を専らとする「同心衆」のほかに、年貢の一部負担を免除された「軍役衆」の存在が見られる。
although there is an opinion that such cases reveal the harsh governance by the zuryo , when each case is looked at closely , clearly a great majority of the zuryo imposed tax according to the regulations , which shows that the zuryo were more law-abiding while the tato fumyo pursued their own interests . このような事例を受領層の苛政の表れと評価する意見もあるが、個別の事例を見ると受領が法令どおりに課税した例が圧倒的に多く、むしろ受領の方が遵法的であり、田堵負名層が私益を主張していることが判っている。
during the eighth century to the beginning of ninth century , however , most of ishi (legitimate children of persons from goi to hachii [the eighth rank ]) and hakucho (people without court rank ) were promoted only to toneri (a servant ), shisho (a person doing miscellaneous clerical jobs ) or sakan and few were promoted to hangan or higher . しかし、8世紀から9世紀初頭にかけての事例を見ると、位子(六位~八位の者の嫡子)と白丁(無位の者)のほとんどが舎人・史生・主典どまりで、判官以上に昇進する者はごくまれだった。
例を見る: see an example of〔~の〕 実社会の例を見る: look at a real-world example 内実を見ると: upon closer examination 現状を見ると: in view of the present situation 明るい面を見ると: on the positive side を見ると気色が悪くなる: …を見ると気色が悪くなる v. I feel sick at the sight of O. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 気色) 企業の動きを見ると: in the business world 緑を見るとホットするよ。: It's relaxing to be in the woods. 警察官が来るのを見ると: when someone sees the police coming〔人が〕 ~の光景を見ると胸が痛む。: The sight of ~ just breaks my heart. ~を見ると心がなごむ: It's a comfort to watch ~を見ると感無量になる。: There is nothing more cerebral for me than watching ~を見ると胸が張り裂ける。: It breaks my heart to see 見ると: at sight of〔~を〕 例を挙げると: 1. exempli causa〈ラテン語〉〔 【略】 e.c.〕 2. exempli gratia〈ラテン語〉〔 【略】 e.g.〕 3. to cite a case 4. to cite instances