activities suited to the situation of each regional conflict
個々の状況に応じて調整される: be adjusted for individual circumstances その状況に応じたヘルプ: context-sensitive help その状況に応じたヘルプ画面: context-sensitive help 状況に応じたやり方で: in a coordinated fashion 状況に応じた封じ込め: tailored containment 地域紛争の拡大: expansion of regional conflicts 地域紛争の火種: chances of regional flare-ups 地域紛争の発生: outbreak of regional conflicts 地域紛争の長期化: prolongation of regional conflicts 地域紛争の頻発化: frequent outbreaks of regional conflicts 地域紛争の高まり: increase in regional conflicts 個々の必要に応じた術後計画: tailor-made postoperative program 個々の必要性に応じた情報: tailored information 世界の地域紛争: conflicts around the world 紛争の地域で: in the area of strife