allow blanket deposit protection in individual cases
個々のケースに応じて包括的な預金保護を行うことを認める: allow blanket deposit protection in individual cases 包括的な預金保護: blanket deposit protection 完全な預金保護を止める: end full-deposit protection 個々の場合に: in individual cases 場合に応じて: 場合に応じて ばあいにおうじて in accordance with the situation 次のような副作用が認められた場合には、必要に応じ、減量、投与中止等の適切な処置を行うこと: If any of the following adverse reactions occur, appropriate measures including reduced dosage or discontinuation of this drug should be taken, when necessary. 向けて包括的な検討を行う: conduct a comprehensive study into prospects for〔~に〕 状況について包括的な報告を行う: provide a comprehensive account of the situation in〔~の〕 個々の場合: individual case それぞれの個々の場合に: in each individual case 拒食症を認める場合に: in the presence of anorexia 必要に応じて調整を行う: 1. make adjustments as needs arise 2. make adjustments if necessary 個々の状況に応じて調整される: be adjusted for individual circumstances 試合に負けたことを認める: concede a game 包括的な会談を行う: conduct comprehensive talks with〔~と〕