- respect for the dignity of the individual
個人の尊厳: 1. dignity of individuals 2. dignity of the individual 3. individual dignity 4. personal dignity
個人の尊重: 1. respect for individuals 2. respect for the individual 3. respect of individuals
人間個人の尊厳: dignity of individual human beings
個人の権利の尊重: respect for the rights of the individual
人間の尊厳の保持: preservation of human dignity
個人の尊厳を踏みにじる: disregard the unique and incomparable worth of every individual
人の尊厳に反する: be contrary to human dignity
個人の尊厳をずたずたにする: undermine someone's sense of personal dignity〔人の〕
個人の尊厳を台無しにする: undermine someone's sense of personal dignity〔人の〕
個人の尊重という概念を取り入れる: take into account the concept of individuality
個人の尊重や男女平等を規定する: stipulate respect for the individual and equality between the sexes
人間の尊厳に対する尊重: respect for the dignity of the human person
人間の尊厳: 1. dignity of man 2. dignity of the human person
仕事の尊厳: dignity of a job
労働の尊厳: dignity of labor