多くの生命を犠牲にして: at the cost of many lives 個人的な生活を犠牲にする: lose one's personality 人命を犠牲にして: at the sacrifice of life 健康を犠牲にして: 1. at the expense of one's health 2. at the sacrifice of one's health 安全を犠牲にして: at the sacrifice of safety ほかの無数の生物を犠牲にして生きる: live at the expense of countless other living things 家族を犠牲にして_人の人を救う: sacrifice one's family to save __ people そのような努力が~を犠牲にしてなされる: such efforts are undertaken at the expense of 尊い命を犠牲にして達成される: be achieved at the sacrifices of precious lives 一般国民を犠牲にして: at the expense of the public at large 他人を犠牲にして儲ける: line one's pockets 健康を犠牲にしている: keep selling out the health of〔人の〕 多くの人命を犠牲にして: 1. with great loss of life 2. with the loss of a great many lives 社会全般を犠牲にして: at the expense of the public at large 身を犠牲にして(人)を支える: make a sacrifice by supporting