補助の条件は(that以下)である: Conditions for the subsidies are that 停戦の維持: maintenance of the cease-fire in〔~における〕 停戦の調印: signing of a cease-fire この契約の条件は分離できる: The terms of this Agreement are severable. 口座の条件は変わることがあります: The terms of your account are subject to change. 幸福な家庭生活のための条件は何か。: What are the values that make for happy family life? 停戦への条件が満たされるまで: until conditions are met for a ceasefire 停戦の申し出: ceasefire offer 停戦の見込み: likelihood of a truce 全面撤退をあらゆる停戦交渉の条件とする: set a full withdrawal as a condition for any cease-fire negotiations 停戦の命令を出す: issue cease-fire order 停戦の期限切れ: expiration of the deadline お申し出の条件はすべて、当方にとって公正かつ受諾可能なものです: All your terms are fair and acceptable to us. 1階の条件: first-order condition《数学》 2階の条件: second-order condition《数学》