- The lights went out due to a power outage.
停電のため: because of a power cut
大規模な停電のため暗闇に陥る: black out [be plunged into darkness] by massive power failure
大規模な停電のため真っ暗になる: black out [be plunged into darkness] by massive power failure
夜間に森を歩くためには懐中電灯が必須だ: A flashlight is indispensable for walking through a forest at night.
火が消えたような寂しさ: bleak loneliness
火が消えたような時期: dead season
火が消える: burn out
このために: 1. for this purpose 2. propter hoc〈ラテン語〉 3. to this end
のために: のために for the sake of
世のために: for the good of the public
何のために?: For the sake of what? 何のために 1 1. cui bono〈ラテン語〉〔ラテン語の元の意味と異なる誤用であるが、しばしば用いられる〕 2. for what 3. for what purpose 4. to what end 5. what for 何のために 2 【副】 1. forwhy 2. wherefore 3. whereto〈古〉 4. why
全く~のために: in the sole interest of
国のために: 1. for the good of the nation 2. in the interest of the country
念のために: 1. as one's backup 2. by way of caution 3. by way of precaution 4. for good order's sake 5. just for the record 6. just to be on the safe side 7. just to be sure 8. just to make certain 9. just to m
戦う〔~のために〕: 【他動】 champion