道徳的に健全な日本人を育てる: foster morally sound Japanese
健全な市場を育てる: foster a healthy market
伝統職人を育てる: nurture traditional craftsmen
力を育てる: cultivate the power of〔~する〕
木を育てる: 1. farm trees 2. grow a tree
物を育てる: make things grow
犬を育てる: raise a dog
花を育てる: 1. grow flowers 2. raise flowers 3. tend flowers
作物を育てる: cultivate crops
個性を育てる: 1. develop one's own individuality 2. nurture the individuality
子牛を育てる: grow calves
家族を育てる: bring up the family
家畜を育てる: raise one's livestock
希望を育てる: nourish hope
弟子を育てる: 1. foster disciples 2. train disciples