- damage the soundness of〔~の〕
経済の健全性を損なう: undermine the health of the economy
金融の健全性を損なう: damage financial health
完全性を損なう: undermine the integrity of〔~の〕
長期的な経済の健全性を損なう: compromise the long-term health of the economy
信頼性を損なう 1: damage the credibility of〔~の〕 信頼性を損なう 2 damage someone's credibility〔人の〕
全体性を損なう: undermine the integrity of〔~の〕
安定性を損なう〔~の〕: 【他動】 destabilize
生産性を損なう: eat into productivity
重要性を損なう 1: diminish importance 重要性を損なう 2 1. damage the significance of 2. diminish the significance of 3. reduce the importance of〔~の〕
データの有用性を損なう: destroy the data's usefulness
公平性や透明性を損なう: damage the fairness and transparency of〔~の〕
国の一体性を損なう: undermine national unity
彼らの徳性を損なう: hurt their morals
種の多様性を損なう: undermine biodiversity
職場の機能性を損なう: be detrimental to the functionality of the workplace