- maintain one's healthy and beautiful skin
美しい肌の材: 美しい肌の材 うつくしいはだのざい wood of fine grain
繊細で美しい文体: exquisite style
繊細で美しい顔: delicately handsome face
豊かで美しい声: full and melodious voice
美しさを保つ: 1. keep one's looks 2. retain one's beauty
健康を保つ 1: 1. keep [stay] in shape [fit] 2. keep in good physical condition 3. keep one's health 4. keep oneself fit 5. keep oneself fresh 6. maintain one's health 健康を保つ 2 【動】 keep fit 健康を保つ 3 keep someone
素朴で美しい閑静な場所: idyllic hideaway
一日中肌を美しく保つ: keep skin beautiful for the entire day《化粧品》
健康体重を保つ: maintain a healthy body weight
心臓の健康を保つ: stay heart-healthy
精神的健康を保つ: mentally stay fit
自然の美しさを保つ: preserve the natural beauty
正しい姿勢を保つ: 1. maintain a correct posture 2. maintain good posture
親しい関係を保つ: maintain a fine personal relationship
素朴で美しい隠れ家的な場所: idyllic hideaway