- cut down on cigarettes for one's health
たばこの本数を減らす: reduce the number of cigarettes one smokes
健康のため喫煙量を減らす: cut down on cigarettes for one's health
たばこの消費量を減らす: 1. reduce the consumption of tobacco 2. reduce tobacco consumption
たばこの需要を減らす: reduce demand for tobacco
たばこを減らす: cut down smoking
たばこが原因で死ぬ人の数を減らす: reduce the number of people dying from tobacco-related causes
たばこを吸う回数を減らす: cut down on smoke breaks
外でたばこを吸う人の数を減らす: reduce the number people smoking outdoors
健康のためにたばこをやめる: 1. leave smoking off for one's health 2. quit smoking for the sake of his health
数を減らす: 1. bring down the figures on 2. lessen the number of 3. reduce the number (of) 4. reduce ~ in number〔~の〕
喫煙本数を減らすのを先送りにする: postpone the reduction of tobacco consumption
数を減らす〔~の〕: 【自他動】 destock
健康のために: 【副】 healthwise
従業員数を減らす: thin out work forces
心拍数を減らす: slow the heartbeat