educate someone regarding the importance of good health〔人に〕
命の大切さを教える: teach someone that life is irreplaceable〔人に〕 自立の大切さを教える: teach someone the value of self-reliance〔人に〕 ~の大切さを教え込む: drill into someone the importance of〔人に〕 独立独歩の大切さを教える: teach someone the value of self-reliance〔人に〕 子どもたちにチームワークの大切さを教える: teach children that teamwork is important おい。おまえはお金の価値をあの子に教えようとしてるのか?それなら他にも方法があるだろう。今はあの子に正直の大切さを教えることを第一に考えるべきだよ。: Look. Are you trying to teach her the value of money? Then there should be some other ways. Now, we need to focus on teaching her the value of integrity. 命の大切さを知らない: be ignorant about the value of life 音楽の大切さを説明する: illustrate the importance of music ~の大切さをたたき込む: drill into someone the importance of〔人に〕 女らしさを教える: teach someone womanly ways〔人に〕 大切さを説く: talk about the importance of〔~の〕 人命の大切さ: value of human life 友情の大切さ: importance of friendship 家庭の大切さ: family values 経験の大切さ: importance of experience