- speed one's return to health
病後の回復を早める: hasten one's recovery from illness
術後の回復を早める: hasten one's recovery from surgery
回復を早める: 1. hasten recovery 2. speed recovery
健康の回復: 1. repair of one's health 2. return of one's health
速やかな健康の回復: speedy recovery to health
死を早める: hasten someone's death〔人の〕
信頼性の回復を求める: seek to restore someone's credibility〔人の〕
全快を早める: 1. promote quick healing 2. promote rapid healing
出発を早める: 1. anticipate one's departure 2. hasten one's departure
出荷を早める: expedite delivery
分娩を早める: speed up labor
到来を早める: hasten the advent of〔~の〕
到着を早める: speed up the arrival of〔~の〕
回転を早める: rev up〔エンジンの〕
変容を早める: precipitate metamorphosis