健康の潜在的問題を軽視する人々もいる: Some people downplay health potential [potential health] problem. 健康の潜在的問題を重要視しない人々もいる: Some people downplay health potential [potential health] problem. 潜在的問題: snag 潜在的問題に対処する: address potential problems 潜在的問題を回避する: avoid potential problems 発明の潜在的用途: possible use of an invention 紛争の潜在的原因: potential cause of conflict 潜在的な問題: potential problem 巨額の潜在的損失を被る: suffer massive latent losses 日本経済の潜在的な力: latent potential of the Japanese economy 狂犬病の潜在的保菌者: potential carrier of rabies 財政崩壊の潜在的脅威: potential threat of a financial implosion 高まる~の潜在的可能性: increased potentiality for 健康の: 【形】 constitutional 潜在的: 潜在的 せんざいてき latent potential