1. decay in health 2. declining health 3. failing health
their health declines earlier in midlife 中年になり健康の衰えは早く
in 1598 or so , not only hideyoshi but also toshiie began to show the decline of health . 慶長3年(1598年)の頃になると秀吉と共に利家も健康の衰えを見せ始めるようになる。
健康の衰えを感じる: 1. feel that one's health is getting worse 2. sense a decline in one's health 全体的な健康の衰え: general decline in health 彼の健康の衰えが心配だ: I'm worried about his deteriorating health. 健康の: 【形】 constitutional 体力の衰え: decline of one's strength 才能の衰え: atrophy of talent 極度の衰え: severe weakness 気力の衰え: goneness 筋力の衰え: decline of muscle strength 視覚の衰え: declining vision 判断力の衰え: impaired judgment 記憶力の衰え: 1. decline in memory 2. failing of one's memory 3. memory lapses 健康の保護: health protection 健康の化身: Hygeia 健康の回復: 1. repair of one's health 2. return of one's health