Declining health was the reason widely cited for his early retirement.
彼の健康の衰えが心配だ: I'm worried about his deteriorating health. 健康の衰え: 1. decay in health 2. declining health 3. failing health ~には多くの理由があげられる。: Many [A number of] reasons have been advanced for 多くの人々が詐欺の被害にあった: Many people were victimized by the scam. 健康の衰えを感じる: 1. feel that one's health is getting worse 2. sense a decline in one's health 全体的な健康の衰え: general decline in health 多くの人々が抱く疑問: widespread skepticism about〔~について〕 多くの人々が抱く疑念: widespread skepticism about〔~について〕 多くの人々が抱いている疑念や懸念を和らげる: soothe the doubts and fears that many people are harboring それが、人々がその映画に夢中になる最大の理由だ。: That's the biggest reason people get into the movie. ~には多くの理由がある。: There are number of reasons for 多くの理由で: because of a number of reasons 数多くの理由: ample reason to〔~する〕 多くの人々: 1. many a one 2. many people 3. number of people 健康上の理由で引退する: retire on medical grounds