- arrest the decline of one's health
健康の衰え: 1. decay in health 2. declining health 3. failing health
健康の衰えを感じる: 1. feel that one's health is getting worse 2. sense a decline in one's health
上昇を食い止める: curb the rise
下落を食い止める: stem a slide
勃発を食い止める: stem outbreaks of〔~の〕
勢力を食い止める: keep the forces of ~ at bay〔~の〕
危険を食い止める: contain risk
反対を食い止める: stem opposition
変心を食い止める: prevent someone from changing his mind〔人の〕
延焼を食い止める: arrest the spread of the fire
成長を食い止める: stem the growth
拡大を食い止める: stop the spread of〔~の〕
拡散を食い止める: halt the proliferation of〔~の〕
損害を食い止める: cut a loss
敵を食い止める: 1. check the enemy 2. hold the enemy in check