そんなふうに言うなら: if you want to put it that way どうして彼女のことをそんなふうに言うのか理解できません: I don't see why you have to talk about her that way. そんなふうに言われると: putting it that way そんなふうに: 1. in such a manner 2. in such wise 3. in that manner 4. like that 5. that way そんなふうに話す: speak such a way そんなふうに言っていただけてうれしいです。: I'm flattered to hear it put that way. そんなふうに脅かすなよ: Don't scare me like that. (そんなふうにしては)駄目。: Don't. あんなふうに: 1. in that way 2. like that 3. that way こんなふうに。: Like this. こんなふうに 1 1. in this manner 2. in this way [wise] 3. like this こんなふうに 2 【副】 thus どんなふうに: in what way どんなふうに? Like how? どんなふうに?: Like how? どんなふうに in what way あなたがそんなふうに「何でもない」という時は、何かがある。: When you say nothing that way, it is not nothing. 会社がそんなふうに協力し合うなんて考えたことなかったわ。: I never imagined companies would work together like that! 彼がそんなふうに感じてるなんて思ってもみなかった。: I would have never guessed he had felt that way.