経済の健全性を損なう: undermine the health of the economy 金融の健全性を損なう: damage financial health 損なう〔完全さを〕: 【他動】 mar 大きな脅威: 1. big menace 2. major threat 大学に対する公共の信頼を損なう: tarnish the public's trust in universities 長期的な経済の健全性を損なう: compromise the long-term health of the economy 健全性を損なう: damage the soundness of〔~の〕 楽しさを損なう: make ~ less enjoyable〔~の〕 金融市場の健全さを保つ: preserve the health of financial markets 心身の健康を損なう: take a toll on one's mental and physical health 社会の健全さ: society's health 組織の健全さ: health of an organization 経済の健全さ: health of the economy 見方の健全さ: sanity of outlook 財政の健全さ: 1. fiscal health 2. fiscal soundness