longstanding substantive disagreements with the GOP
長年にわたる: 【形】 longstanding 長年にわたる~との領土紛争: long standing territorial row with この仕事での長年にわたる経験を考えると: given someone's long experience with the job〔人の〕 長年にわたる要求: longstanding demand 長年にわたる関係: longstanding relationship 長年にわたる~の調査: years of investigation about 二国間の長年にわたる対立: long-lasting enmity between the two nations 教師としての長年にわたる経験: long experience as a teacher これまでの長年にわたる厚情に対し(人)に礼を述べる: thank someone for his generous support over the past years ~間の長年にわたる緊密な結び付きと協力: longstanding close ties and cooperation between 多くの点で: 1. in a number of ways 2. in many aspects 3. in many respects 長年にわたる懸案事項: longstanding pending issue 長年にわたる発掘作業: many years of excavation 長年にわたる社への貢献: one's long contribution to the company 長年にわたる禁止を解く: lift one's longstanding ban