The photographer has done some large bodies of work in the city.
まとまった量の仕事を小分けにする: break large tasks into smaller (ones [tasks, pieces, parts, steps]) まとまった量の仕事を細分化する: break large tasks into smaller (ones [tasks, pieces, parts, steps]) その仕事をこなす: handle the work 彼らはその仕事を仕上げるのに十分な人的資源を持っていなかった: They didn't have enough manpower to finish the job. その仕事をこなせる: be equal to the job 仕事を仕上げる: 1. finish off the [one's] work 2. finish off the job ものすごい量の仕事をこなす: do an enormous amount of work 驚くべき量の仕事をこなす: do a remarkable amount of work 今週中にこの仕事を仕上げる: 1. finish up this job by the end of this week 2. finish up this work by the end of this week かなりの量の仕事: no small task たくさんの仕事をこなす: get a lot done〔 【対】 get little done〕 普段の仕事をこなす: perform one's usual tasks その若い女性は、さまざまなつまらない仕事をこなした: The young woman performed a variety of menial tasks. より短い時間でもっと多くの仕事を仕上げる: get more work done in less time 出掛ける前に残りの仕事を仕上げなさい: Clean up the rest of your work before leaving.