- lose in the latest election
衆参両院の補欠選挙で負ける: lose the by-elections for both chambers of the Diet
驚いたことに、前回の選挙で保守的な候補者が圧勝した: Surprisingly the conservative candidate swept the board [table] in the last election.
次回の選挙で勝利する: win the next round of elections
ldpはあの選挙で圧倒的に負けた: The LDP were snowed under in that election.
pk戦で負ける: lose in penalty kicks《サッカー》
判定で負ける: 1. lose a decision 2. lose on points
反則で負ける: lose a game all because of a foul
大差で負ける: 1. be nowhere 2. come in nowhere 3. lose big
小差で負ける: 小差で負ける [少差で負ける] v. lose by a few points 少しの点差で負ける;be pipped at the post. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 小差)
投票で負ける: lose the ballot
競馬で負ける: lose money at the horse races
試合で負ける: 1. be knocked out of the competition 2. lose a game
庶民対官の選挙であると位置付ける: characterize the election as a contest between the people and the bureaucracy
これまでの最低記録だった前回の選挙の_%を下回って: below the previous low of __% in the last election
前回の選挙の時、固定資産税の値上げに反対票を投じた: I voted against higher property taxes in the last election.