- allow someone's creativity to run wild〔人の〕
力量を存分に発揮する: fully display the skills
想像力を存分に発揮する: allow someone's imagination to run wild〔人の〕
持てる力を存分に発揮する: exert one's potential to the full extent
自分の能力を存分に発揮する: contribute to the maximum of one's ability
創造性を発揮する: exercise one's creativity
可能性を十分に発揮する: exert one's full potential
存分に力を発揮する: give full rein to one's strengths
存分に才能を発揮する: 1. give free scope to one's talent 2. let one's ability have full play
天分を十分に発揮する: give full play to one's natural talent
才能を十分に発揮する: give full play [scope] to one's ability [talent]
技量を十分に発揮する: give full play [scope] to one's ability [talent]
潜在力を十分に発揮する: fully exert one's potential
能力を十分に発揮する: 1. bring one's ability into full play 2. give full play [scope] to one's ability [talent]
創造性を発揮させる: encourage creativity
その分野で能力を十分に発揮する: give full play to the skills in the field