助手席をグイッと後ろへ戻す: push the passenger seat back further 助手席をグッと後ろに戻す: push the passenger seat back further 助手席をグイッと後ろに戻す: push the passenger seat back further グッと後ろにそる: lean well back 助手席の後ろの席: shotty back〈俗〉〔自動車の〕 助手席: 助手席 じょしゅせき passenger seat assistant driver's seat ジリジリと後ろへ下がる: draw back step by step ヨロヨロと後ろへ下がる: stumble back 酒をグッと飲む: take a gulp of one's drink たばこをグッと吸う: 1. take a deep pull at a cigarette 2. take a drag at a cigarette 3. take a drag on a cigarette アクセルをグッと踏む: jam down the accelerator ドアのノブをグッと回す: give a wrench at the doorknob ブレーキをグッと踏む: step on the brakes hard 怒りをグッとこらえる: 【動】 1. master one's feelings 2. not rise to the bait 怒りをグッと抑える: suppress one's bitterness