- engage in a lost competition for〔~の〕
pk戦で敗れる: lose on penalties《サッカー》
予選で敗れる: be beaten in a preliminary game
投票で敗れる: be defeated in a ballot
土壇場で敗れる: get beaten at the post
勝負で: not far behind from〔~といい〕
審判の判定で敗れる: lose a game on a referee call
_%の得票差で敗れる: lose by __% of the vote
ひと勝負で: at one bout
敗れる: 敗れる やぶれる to be defeated to be unsuccessful
出たとこ勝負で: a l'abandon
本当の勝負である: real outcome is decided by〔~が〕
ひと勝負で_ドル稼ぐ: win __ dollars in a sitting
出たとこ勝負でいく: take potluck
出たとこ勝負でやる: do a performance cold / go in cold
出たとこ勝負で行く 1: leave everything to chance [fate, luck] 出たとこ勝負で行く 2 take one's chance (of)〔~に〕