impact on the peace and stability of neighboring countries
関係地域の平和と安定に影響を及ぼす: affect the peace and stability of the regions concerned 平和と安定に悪影響を及ぼす: negatively affect the peace and stability of〔~の〕 日本の平和と安全に悪影響を及ぼす: impact negatively on the peace and safety of Japan 地域の平和と安定に悪影響を与える: affect adversely regional peace and stability 合否判定に影響を及ぼす: affect admission decisions 平和と安全に重要な影響を及ぼす軍事衝突: armed conflict that has an important bearing on peace and security 国の政策に影響を及ぼす: affect national policy アジア太平洋地域全体の安定に影響を及ぼす: affect the stability of the whole Asia-Pacific region 心に影響を及ぼす: have an effect on the mind 平和と安定に大きな影響を与える: have a significant effect on the peace and stability of〔~の〕 平和条約交渉の進展に影響を及ぼす: affect the progress of peace treaty negotiations 国の体制に影響を及ぼす深刻な問題: serious problem affecting national system 最貧国の人々に影響を及ぼす: affect the populations of the poorest nations _カ国の国民に影響を及ぼす: affect nationals from __ countries の関係に影響を及ぼす: affect one's relationship with〔人と〕