affect the peace and stability of the regions concerned
周辺国の平和と安定に影響を及ぼす: impact on the peace and stability of neighboring countries 平和と安定に悪影響を及ぼす: negatively affect the peace and stability of〔~の〕 地域の平和と安定に悪影響を与える: affect adversely regional peace and stability 日本の平和と安全に悪影響を及ぼす: impact negatively on the peace and safety of Japan 地域の平和と安定: peace and stability in the region アジア太平洋地域全体の安定に影響を及ぼす: affect the stability of the whole Asia-Pacific region 中東地域の平和と安定に直結する: be directly linked with the peace and stability of the Middle East 地域の平和と安定に大きく貢献する: greatly contribute to the peace and stability of the region 合否判定に影響を及ぼす: affect admission decisions 平和と安全に重要な影響を及ぼす軍事衝突: armed conflict that has an important bearing on peace and security の関係に影響を及ぼす: affect one's relationship with〔人と〕 心に影響を及ぼす: have an effect on the mind 地域の平和と安定を前進させる: advance peace and stability in the region 地域の平和と安定を実現する: achieve regional peace and stability 地域の平和と安定を確保する: secure the peace and stability of the region