事実を探る: feel out the truth
傷口を探る: search a wound
内心を探る: look into someone's heart〔人の〕
原因を探る: 1. fathom the cause of 2. get to the root of〔~の〕
川底を探る: drag the river bed
心を探る: probe someone's psyche〔人の〕
心中を探る: get below the surface with〔~の〕
意向を探る: feel someone's pulse / feel the pulse of〔 【誤】 examine one's pulse〕〔人の〕
接点を探る: search for common ground
敵状を探る: spy on an enemy's movements
方法を探る: explore means of〔~の〕
本心を探る: sound out what one really feet〔~の〕
本音を探る: fathom someone's real intentions〔人の〕
正体を探る: probe into the identity of〔~の〕
理由を探る: find out the reason