- The goods were carefully weighed at the time of shipment.
~において(人)に検査される: be inspected by someone at
検査される: be tested to see whether〔~かどうか〕
国防を厳重にする: strengthen the nation's defenses
封を厳重にする: tighten a seal
監視を厳重にする: keep (a) close [careful, good, strict] watch on [over] / keep a sharp lookout [watch] for / keep a sharp eye on [out for]〔~の〕
秘密を厳重に守る: maintain a high confidentiality
警備を厳重にする: keep (a) close [careful, good, strict] watch on [over] / keep a sharp lookout [watch] for / keep a sharp eye on [out for]〔~の〕
警戒を厳重にする: keep (a) close [careful, good, strict] watch on [over] / keep a sharp lookout [watch] for / keep a sharp eye on [out for]〔~の〕
厳重に検疫する: place someone under strict quarantine〔人を〕
最も多く検査された銘柄: most-tested brand
下積みの品物: lower layer of goods
厳重調査される: come under intense scrutiny
慎重に検査する: give [carry out] a careful inspection〔~を〕
aとbを厳重に区別する: maintain a strict barrier between
人を厳重に譴責する: sternly reprimand