絶好の機会を逃がす: lose the great opportunity
機会を逃がす: let a chance slip (away)
唯一のチャンスを逃がす: miss one's only chance
機会をみすみす逃がす: throw away an opportunity
機会を取り逃がす 1: 1. let an opportunity go 2. let the opportunity slip through one's fingers 機会を取り逃がす 2 pass up the opportunity of〔~の〕
政権を握る唯一の機会: one and only opportunity to take the nation's helm
この特売の機会を逃すな!: Don't miss this bargain!
社会的交流の機会を逃す: miss out on social interaction with〔~との〕
絶好の機会を逃す 1: 1. let a wonderful opportunity slip away 2. miss an ideal opportunity 絶好の機会を逃す 2 miss a golden opportunity (to)〔~できる〕
湿気を逃がす: wick moisture from〔~から〕
絶好の機会をのがす: 絶好の機会をのがす v. miss a golden opportunity (見出しへ戻る headword ? 絶好)
チャンスを逃がす: 1. blow it〈米俗〉 2. let a chance slip (away) 3. let a chance slip by 4. lose one's chance
好機を逃がす 1: give away an opportunity 好機を逃がす 2 miss an occasion to〔~する〕
政権を掌握する唯一の機会: one and only opportunity to take the nation's helm
ぐずぐずしてせっかくの機会を逃す: let grass grow under one's feet〔grass の直前に the が付くことの方が多い〕