put one's payment in escrow until one gets the merchandise
第三者に預託して: in escrow〔エスクローとして〕 支払金額を補充する: refinance payments 注文した日から商品が届くまでおよそ_日かかると見ておく: allow approximately __ days from one's order date for one's order to arrive 注文した日から商品が届くまで大体_日かかると見ておく: allow approximately __ days from one's order date for one's order to arrive 注文した日から商品が届くまで約_日かかると見ておく: allow approximately __ days from one's order date for one's order to arrive 発注した日から商品が届くまでおよそ_日かかると見ておく: allow approximately __ days from one's order date for one's order to arrive 発注した日から商品が届くまで大体_日かかると見ておく: allow approximately __ days from one's order date for one's order to arrive 発注した日から商品が届くまで約_日かかると見ておく: allow approximately __ days from one's order date for one's order to arrive 注文品が届くまで長期間待つ: have a long waiting time for one's order to arrive 契約の義務を第三者に委譲する: delegate one's obligations under a contract to a third party 契約上の権利を第三者に譲渡する: assign someone's rights in a contract to a third party〔人の〕 データを第三者に売る: sell data to third parties 判断を第三者に委ねる: have a third party determine whether〔~かどうかの〕 情報を第三者に売る: sell data to third parties 支払金額: amount payable