いないと(人)に言う: tell someone (that) someone is not here [available]〔人は〕 構わないと(人)に言う: tell someone it doesn't matter ここにはいないと(人)に言う: tell someone (that) someone is not here [available]〔人は〕 話しても問題ないと(人)に伝える: let someone know that it's okay to talk about〔~について〕 話しても問題ないと(人)に分からせる: let someone know that it's okay to talk about〔~について〕 話題にしても問題ないと(人)に伝える: let someone know that it's okay to talk about〔~のことを〕 話題にしても問題ないと(人)に分からせる: let someone know that it's okay to talk about〔~のことを〕 ~したいと(人)に言う: tell someone that one wants to 武器を使うべきではないと(人)に言う: tell someone that he should not be using a weapon 全く問題ないと思われる: consider quite good for〔~には〕 問題ない: 1. be of no matter 2. no problem 報告しないよう(人)に言う: tell someone not to report〔~を〕 全く問題ない: not matter a hoot / not matter two hoots 全然問題ない。: No problem at all. あなたの意見は問題ないと思いますよ。: I have no problem with your opinion.