1. aggravate the problem 2. compound one's problems 3. exacerbate the problem 4. make the problem worse 5. worsen the problem
and you would risk exacerbating this problem by assigning me a sponsee . だから僕に世話人を割り当てることで この問題を悪化させるのか?
予算問題を悪化させる: exacerbate the budget difficulties 問題を悪化させるだけだ: only compound the problem 地球環境問題を悪化させる: exacerbate the global environment issues 現在進行中の問題を悪化させる: aggravate the problem that is going on 精神衛生上の問題を悪化させる: exacerbate mental health problems 地球温暖化などの環境問題を悪化させる: exacerbate global warming and other environmental problems けがを悪化させる: aggravate one's injury 不況を悪化させる: worsen the recession 事態を悪化させる: 1. compound a felony 2. dig oneself in 3. exacerbate the situation 4. get in deeper 5. make things worse 6. rub salt in the wound 7. worsen the situation 健康を悪化させる: negatively affect one's well-being 傷を悪化させる: aggravate a wound 利益を悪化させる: hurt profits 危機を悪化させる: aggravate a crisis 収益を悪化させる: hurt profits 市場を悪化させる: depress conditions in the market