do we have to go through all that again ? ショーン また問題を蒸し返すの?
後で~を蒸し返す: bring up ~ later〔話などを〕 口論を蒸し返す: rehash an argument 昔の話を蒸し返す: cover old ground 論争を蒸し返す 1: reopen an old controversy 論争を蒸し返す 2 resurrect an (old) argument〔過去の〕 議論を蒸し返す: resurrect an (old) argument〔過去の〕 決着のついた話題を蒸し返す: beat [whip, flog] a dead horse そんな話を蒸し返すな!: Don't dig up that story! 昔のことを蒸し返す: bring up an old issue 過去の出来事を蒸し返す: dredge up things from the past 決着のついた話題を蒸し返す人は好きではない: I don't like people who often beat [whip, flog] a dead horse. 蒸し返す: 蒸し返す むしかえす to reheat to steam over to bring up again to take up again a problem that has been dealt with 蒸し返す 1: rake over the ashes [coals] / rake over old ashes〔一旦収まっていた物事を〕 蒸し返す 2 dredge up〔過去のことを〕 蒸し返す 3 drag up〔嫌なことを〕 蒸し返す 4 hash over〈米話〉〔昔のことなどを〕 蒸し返す 5 serve up〔話などを〕 おい、その話を蒸し返すのはやめようよ: Look, let's not start that again, all right? そんなくだらない話を蒸し返すな。: Don't keep digging up that crap. 過去のことを蒸し返すのはあまりにもつらい。: It's too much pain for me to bring it all up again.