ensure no marked impact on the daily lives of local residents or on the natural environment
健康に著しい影響を及ぼす: seriously affect the health of〔~の〕 著しい影響を及ぼす: have a marked effect on〔~に〕 地域の安全保障に好ましくない影響を及ぼす: be detrimental to regional security に好ましい影響を及ぼす: exert a positive influence on 環境に悪影響を及ぼす: 1. cause environmental damage 2. have an adverse environmental effect 広い影響を及ぼす: have a wide-reaching impact on〔~に〕 悪い影響を及ぼす: exert a bad influence upon〔~に〕 良い影響を及ぼす: impact positively on〔~に〕 悪い影響を受けないようにする: screen someone from bad influence〔人が〕 自然環境に多大な被害を及ぼす: cause massive damage to the natural environment 国民生活に多大な影響を及ぼす: have considerable impact on people's lives 国民生活に大きな影響を及ぼす: have considerable impact on people's lives 人々の健康に恐ろしい影響を及ぼす: have a terrible effect on people's health 地域の経済に深刻な影響を及ぼす: impact severely on the region's economy 関係地域の平和と安定に影響を及ぼす: affect the peace and stability of the regions concerned