生きるか死ぬかの瀬戸際で: between life and death 生きるか死ぬかの: 【形】 1. life-or-death / life-and-death 2. life-threatening 生きるか死ぬかの問題 1: 1. a matter of life and death 2. difference between life and death 3. question of life or death 生きるか死ぬかの問題 2 a matter of life or death (for [to])〔~にとって〕 生きるか死ぬかの戦い: life-or-death battle 生きるか死ぬかの正念場: do-or-die situation 生きるか死ぬかのひどい事故に遭う: have a serious accident in which one almost lose one's life 死ぬか生きるかの: 【形】 dead or alive 瀬戸際にある: be only a few weak moments away from doing〔~する〕 デフレスパイラルの瀬戸際にある: be on the verge of slipping into a deflationary spiral 倒産の瀬戸際にある会社へ融資を行う: provide financing to a company on the bring of bankruptcy 死ぬか生きるかの戦い: life-or-death [life-and-death] struggle 生きるか死ぬかという状況: life-or-death [life-and-death] situation それは生きるか死ぬかの問題ではなく、名誉の問題です。: It's not a question of life or death, but a question of honor. 人々に生きるか死ぬかの状況をじっくり考えさせる: cause people to ponder the life-or-death situation 大事の瀬戸際に: at a crucial moment